Thursday, 23 September 2010

left-handed toons

5 Uses for a Trembling Chihuahua


DCW said...

Vert funny. Does it mean that the cartoonist is past tense if his name is drew?

Lynne with an e said...

I likes the looks of this place! In spite of the clickety clicketting of the dog nails on the flooring.

Driftwood & Turtles said...

DCW ~ Or perhaps "her" name - thinking of Drew Barrymore ~ Past tense as in beyond tense as in not relaxed as in a chihuahua?

Driftwood & Turtles said...
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Driftwood & Turtles said...

louciao - Thank you. Buddha - chihuahua - one and the same

Unknown said...

Love, love, love!