The season is upon us.
Mike had lots of help with moving the snow about. Emily, Nick & Christie cheerfully hoisted many a shovelful and were well rewarded with a breakfast of Montréal bagels (mais oui Cléa!), cream cheese, smoked salmon, fried eggs, jam, cheese, raisin toast, coffee & tea. Stories were told and a rest by the wood stove kept the chills away. May we have many more such mornings.
Many happy returns belatedly! (that means be sure to get those less favoured b'day prezzies back to the store for an exchange before it's too late!) I wish I could have breakfast with you, too...but not if I have to shovel snow.
Snow shoveling is not a prerequisite. A hearty appetite, however, is recommended and may be acquired by whatever means you choose. Thank you for the birthday wishes - had a lovely day.
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